I'm André

a Web Developer



I'm a Front-end Web Developer, graduated Psychologist and behavioral analyst, and my goal is to build relevant software, which has the potential to contribute to the well-being and practicality of people's lives.


These are a couple of my projects, to see more click here.



Web application based on Google Keep. Developed with React.js and Material UI. This app was developed with the intention of learning the basic concepts of React.js, from creating functional components and controlled components to handling state with hooks. The animations and icons were added through Material UI to resemble Google Keep's design. This version of the app has the basic functionalities of creating new notes and deleting them, but it is in my plans to come back to it and add a few more features and a new design.



This project is a responsive landing page model for a fictitious app, developed using only HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Along with Bootstrap, Media queries were used to make the image elements and the position of the main title of the site responsive.

Get In Touch

I'm currently available for projects.

Use the button below if you want to send me an e-mail or click one of the links to access my profile on LinkedIn, Twitter or GitHub.